Monday, September 3, 2012

Countdown to Staging

Welcome to the 27-month chronicle of my Peace Corps adventures in Mozambique! I am officially three weeks away from staging in Philly (but I’ve been packed for about 2 months…). To recap, I’m slated to teach chemistry in the Secondary Science Education program. Yep, I’ll be teaching a subject in Portuguese that I’m not sure I’m qualified to teach in English. This may end tragically.

Rather than actually studying Portuguese, I’ve been spending my summer working, traveling, and drinking lots of domestic beer. I think I’ve technically been homeless and/or a squatter since graduation, and must say that it’s highly underrated! Since May I’ve called at least six different couches home, but in exchange have had some excellent spontaneous adventures (including a tour of every Indian casino in central Oklahoma). 

In the past week, I’ve watched enough shows about cake, conjoined twins, and wedding dresses to tide me over for at least two years. Other things that I will NOT miss about Amurcuh include Wal-Mart, Twilight, fast food dollar menus, and the Far Right. I will, however, be destitute without dairy products, country music, and the couch at 1511 Secretariat Dr.

I’m looking forward to sharing my awkward adventures with everyone (as my blog title indicates)! Internet access in Mozambique varies between PCV sites, but should be fairly consistent for the first three months.

My physical address during training:

Elizabeth Reardon, PCV
Corpo da Paz/U. S. Peace Corps
C.P. 4398

You should also email, friend, or follow me. 

I can’t imagine a better method than moving to Africa for figuring out what the heck I’m doing with my very awkward life. It has been almost exactly one year since I first applied to Peace Corps, and it’s still incredibly surreal that this is really happening. I could never have gotten this far without the support and encouragement of my friends, mentors, and family (you know who you are). I will miss you all tremendously, so please keep the prayers, letters, and care packages coming my way!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth: Just an old man trying to figure out how to connect (FB? Tweet? Baaaahhhhh, HUMBUG!!!)
